Life Advice
When Resentment Creeps In: Learning to Choose Better
Dear Annie: I'm a 64-year-old woman, and I have a wonderful boyfriend whom I love deeply. We've been together for over a year, and he's a kind, loving man who happens to be on dialysis. I take care of him, and while I don't resent it, it does make life more complicated. I've also been through a lot -- 35 years of marriage that ended in divorce...Read more
Young Man's Entitled Attitude Wears Thin At Home
DEAR ABBY: I am blessed with two sons who live with me. They are in their mid-20s. The younger one is an amazing young man. He's strong, confident but not cocky, and happy. He's in college, works part-time and plays in a band, among other things.
My older son is the opposite. Since he was 16, he's had countless jobs and is (again) currently ...Read more

Asking Eric: Couple reaches stalemate over divorce
Dear Eric: I told my husband I was done in our marriage during a marriage-counseling session close to nine months ago. This was our second round of marriage counseling. I have also done some therapy on my own. I have not taken any actions to indicate I'm done other than to occasionally remind my husband that I'm the one that wants out when he ...Read more
Grieving Only Child Feels Like A Failure
DEAR HARRIETTE: My mom passed away this year suddenly and tragically. I am still in shock about it. I was her only child. All we had was each other, and that's all I let her leave with. I never graduated from college or had a great career; I never bought her a house or helped her move out of the one she raised me in. I feel like I failed her, ...Read more
Insult Followed By 'no Hard Feelings!' Is Still An Insult
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am the president of a social club that organizes activities for the LGBTQ community and allies. Our club is part of a regional association of similar social clubs that are not geared towards the LGBTQ community.
Several times a year, the regional association has a social event for all of the regional clubs. Generally, ...Read more
Toxic Co-Worker Ruins Retirement Job
Dear Annie: I retired early from a stressful job about a year ago and now work part-time in an office with one other full-time secretary who started at the same time I did. She pushes most of the work onto me while she spends most of her day on her cellphone or shopping online. When my work is done, I sometimes use my phone for personal tasks,...Read more
Boyfriend Hasn't Left His Home In Over A Year
DEAR ABBY: I have been in a relationship with someone for 11 months. We're both each other's first relationship after being single for a few years following traumatic breakups. During our entire relationship, he has not cut his hair, left his house or socialized with anyone besides me, except via text.
He doesn't visit me, but he always leaves ...Read more

Asking Eric: Husband’s ex’s ashes are still in the garage
Dear Eric: I have been married to my husband for 16 years and we have a wonderful, blended family. Our kids are now grown (ages 26-35). My husband’s first wife died of a drug overdose/swimming accident 23 years ago. They were in the process of a divorce at the time.
Her ashes are in a box in our garage. Many times, over the years, they were ...Read more
As Expenses Mount, Bridesmaid Contemplates Dropping Out
DEAR HARRIETTE: What do you do if you're a bridesmaid, but the wedding expenses are mounting? This is my best friend's wedding, and I'd hate to miss out, but some of these things are too demanding: engagement party, bridal shower, bachelorette party, dress, hair, makeup, alterations and more. The list of events and expenses just keeps growing. ...Read more
Citing Sources In Conversation
DEAR MISS MANNERS: When sharing stories, anecdotes or facts in conversation, I usually cite my source. For example, I might say, "I recently read an op-ed in (newspaper) by (author) where they said ..."
But in my attempt to give credit where credit is due, I feel that I'm coming off as elitist and/or condescending. What is your opinion on when ...Read more
Is Unsolicited Parenting Advice Ever OK?
Dear Annie: I believe it's a bad idea for people to share their unsolicited opinions on other people's parenting, especially not someone like me, who is young, single, childless and barely knows what to do with my own life.
Still, I can't help but worry about my brother's lifestyle. His house is a mess, and not just a "child lives here" kind ...Read more
Family Refuses To Help Relative Who Once Helped Them
DEAR ABBY: Eight years ago, my wife's nephew needed a car. His parents had poor credit at that time. I took him to a car dealer, where he found a car, and I didn't hesitate to cosign the loan. He paid the loan off on time.
I am now in financial difficulty, and one possibility for me would be to refinance my car loan. When I suggested the nephew...Read more

Ask Anna: My coworker-turned-boyfriend won't let me break up with him
Dear Anna,
I've been dating a coworker (we're both in our early 30s) for two months, and for the past month, I've been trying to end things. Every time I attempt to break up, he argues until I'm exhausted and emotionally shut down, then convinces me to stay by promising he'll change or telling me I'm misinterpreting his behavior. Things have ...Read more

Asking Eric: Asking Eric: Friend complains about politics but does nothing
Dear Eric: I have a friend who I've been friends with for about 10 years. We both share views that lean left. In the past we've shared many dinners discussing the inequities of our country and other political type topics. My friend is constantly lamenting about how unfair our society is and is super empathetic to the plight of the disadvantaged,...Read more
Co-Worker Shares Too Much On The Job
DEAR HARRIETTE: I need help dealing with a co-worker who shares way too much about their personal life. Every day at work, they corner me with long-winded stories about their relationship drama, family conflicts, financial struggles and even embarrassing medical details. At first, I listened out of politeness, but now it's become overwhelming. I...Read more
Jet-Setting Volunteer Takes Freebies For Herself
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I volunteer for an organization that provides services for homeless people. We provide items such as clothes, winter coats, shoes, infant formula, diapers and personal hygiene kits -- and also help with transportation (such as bus passes) and assistance with getting an apartment. Once someone is housed, we provide "startup ...Read more
Managing Money With Mother-in-Law
Dear Annie: My mother-in-law recently moved in with us after a very (thankfully) minor stroke. She has NO savings, and up until that point she was working sporadically just to keep a roof over her head and food in her belly.
If I may backtrack back to the no savings ... For the past 30 years, she has literally laid in bed and watched TV all ...Read more
Bride Wants Mother And Aunt To Walk Her Down The Aisle
DEAR ABBY: My 25-year-old niece is getting married in four months. Five years ago, she lost her father in a tragic accident while her parents were on vacation. Since that time, she has come out as gay and grown closer to me than to her mom (my sister).
I was always close to my sister and both of her daughters while they were growing up and ...Read more
Single File: Reader Mail
DEAR SUSAN: Hopefully by now you've gotten some email in support of your position on the engagement ring issue. This widely and fervently held and programmed belief is just one more symptom of the stranglehold marketing has on our culture, overriding all. -- Mike
DEAR MIKE: You and I may be the only humanoids on planet Earth who see the ring ...Read more

The reason we can't move past the person we can't have
The story starts the same. You like someone. They like you. You continue liking this person. This person stops liking you (or never did?) and pulls back. You like this person more. This person, feeling smothered, continues to pull back. You continue to obsess more.
Why is this, though? Why should a person’s feelings actually grow the less and...Read more