Health and Beauty Tip -- Cut Back on Coffee
How much is too much? Any more than four cups of caffeinated coffee each day can lead to bladder irritation. The same amount of caffeine in chocolate, caffeinated tea, or cola can do the same thing, so watch your intake!
Health and Beauty Tip -- Smooth Flyaways
For small, fine flyaways, don't layer on even more hairspray. Take a baby toothbrush, spray it with hairspray, and brush the flyaway hair gently into place.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Touching up Gray Strands
Rather than doing a full dye job to cover a few gray hairs, buy a mascara wand and basic hair dye that matches your natural color. Use the wand instead of the brush that comes with the dye, and touch up the gray more quickly and with less mess than doing all your hair.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Using Body Scrub at Home
If you have a good body scrub you use at home, scrub towards your heart when you use it. Start at your feet and work up to your torso. When doing your arms, start at the fingertips and work up to your shoulders. Massage gently in circular motions to avoid scrubbing too hard.
Health and Beauty Tip -- 2-in-1 Shampoo
Is 2-in-1 shampoo really as good as they say? If you have normal, healthy hair, yes. But oily hair doesn't need extra conditioner, and dry hair needs even more conditioning than 2-in-1 shampoo offers. If you have dry hair, use regular separate shampoo and conditioner.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Lather, Rinse, Repeat?
If you have short or thin hair, you don't really need a second wash. But if you have longer, thicker hair, you may want to follow the advice on the bottle.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Different Shampoo
Using the same kind of shampoo over and over can cause buildup as your hair "gets used to it." Switching shampoos on a regular basis is helpful, but easy to forget. To make it easier to stick with it, buy a large pump bottle and layer up to four different shampoos in equal amounts until the bottle is full.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Drying Nail Polish
Nail polish actually takes an hour to dry completely! Even though it feels dry to the touch several minutes after you finish, make sure to keep your hands clear of anything that could smudge or chip your polish for approximately one hour afterwards.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Would You Be a Good Blonde?
Can't decide whether to go blonde? If you were as a child, you have the right skin tone to pull it off now. If not, trust your stylist's judgment.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Add Volume on the Way to Work
Turn up the volume in your car. Use volumizing spray along your hairline in the morning, then wear sunglasses on your drive to work to hold your hair back. Take off the shades once you get to work and enjoy the results!
Health and Beauty Tip -- Traveling with Makeup
Instead of using an expensive makeup bag, store your cosmetics in a clear Ziploc freezer bag when going on trips. You'll be able to find what you need without rooting through everything first, and screw-top bottles likely to leak won't make a mess.
Health and Beauty Tip -- The Perfect Haircut
If you can't pick a style, ask your stylist to try a "v-cut" (longer in the back and shorter at the sides). The chin-length hair in the front is universally flattering, and those whose faces may not be complemented by long hair can still have some length in the back.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Bringing Out Waves
Use salt water to make waves! Make a simple spray with water and sea salt to bring out the natural waves in your hair, or look for commercial sea salt spray at the store.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Does Short Hair Suit You?
Before cutting off your hair in favor of a shorter style, try this simple method for finding out if it will flatter your face. Take a photo of yourself against a dark background, and use a black Sharpie to "cut off" your hair. If you do decide you like it, don't go short all at once -- cut off a few inches at a time until you find the length ...Read more
Health and Beauty Tip -- Essential Oils
If you suffer from acne, try essential oils like tea tree, bergamot, clove, lavendar, or rosewood. The more sensitive your skin is, the more you should dilute it before applying it -- be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle. If rash or irritation occurs, switch to a milder acne-fighting product or consult a dermatologist for other ...Read more
Health and Beauty Tip -- Avoid Smudged Mascara
Before applying mascara, use a little extra powder under your eyes, especially if you use concealer or eye cream. Mascara often smudges or runs because it's "attracted" to oily products.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Camouflage Cellulite
There are lots of things you can do to diminish the appearance of cellulite. But for a quick fix, apply some self-tanner.
Health and Beauty Tip -- White Eyeliner
To brighten up your eyes, use a little shimmery eyeliner in white, pink, or silver on the inner corner of each eye, and blend it in. If you're looking for even more effect, highlight the brow line with the same pencil.
Health and Beauty Tip -- Exfoliate Before Makeup
Many women skip a very important step in their makeup routing: exfoliate! Use a gentle exfoliant (there are many made just for the face) beforehand, and you'll find that makeup, moisturizer, and concealer go on more easily ... and look better, too!
Health and Beauty Tip -- Powder vs. Blotting Sheets
It may be tempting to apply extra powder if you find your skin getting oily throughout the day. But if you do this too much, it just builds up and actually looks worse. Invest in blotting sheets -- they really work! -- and use them when you feel like you need powder.