Life Advice





Helen H. Richardson/The Denver Post/TNS

Mapmaker-turned-artist produces haunting portraits inspired by late sister's struggle with substance use disorder

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

DENVER -- If eyes are windows to the soul, then the eyes in William Stoehr’s paintings convey the isolation and despair that come with addiction and depression. They are lonely and haunting, especially in one of the pieces he painted of his late sister.

Her eyes are dark and sunken. Perhaps she has been crying. In the bottom left corner, ...Read more

Asking Eric: Husband punishing wife for her panic attacks

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I am a 63-year-old female who has been married for 45 years to a wonderful man. We’ve been blessed with a great relationship but the last two years I’ve developed a phobia about riding or driving a car on the highway. I’m fine on city streets and residential streets, but when getting on the highways I have started to have ...Read more

Teen Struggles Balancing Job, School, Social Life

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: My 16-year-old teenage daughter landed a part-time job this semester, and I can tell she's really feeling the pressure of trying to juggle work, school and her social life all at once. I want to support her independence and growth, but I can see how stressed out she is getting. I'm trying to figure out how to help her balance ...Read more

Reciprocating An Invitation From People You Don't Like

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: A pair of neighbors hosted my wife and me for an impromptu dinner, to which we contributed a nice salad. The food was fine, the apartment lovely. We have sent them a thank-you note.

I know that we aren't required to reciprocate by inviting them to dinner in our apartment (thank goodness). But honestly, I don't want to ...Read more

When Cutting Ties With a Parent Is the Only Way to Heal

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: This is not a letter to play the victim, so please hear me out. My mother has caused me so much hurt for as far back as I can remember. When I was a kid, I was sexually abused by my brother. I told her, and she said I was lying. I used to think I was adopted because there was no way a parent could be so mean to a biological child. ...Read more

Abused Sister Wants To Share Her Story With Man's Fiancee

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I was physically, emotionally and sexually abused by my oldest brother (six years my senior) from ages 6 to 11. As soon as I could verbalize what was happening, I went to my parents and told them. They believed me, but swept it under the rug and didn't provide any kind of therapy or treatment for either of us.

At 15, I had a mental ...Read more

Single File: Tips for That

Life Advice / Single File /

The situation has eased somewhat, but the divorced dads of this world are still having a tough time winning custody of their children. The role of primary caregiver is usually given to the woman, and the man of the house has no more house -- nor home. His children become part-time guests. His family role is decimated -- as is his bank account ...Read more


Ask Anna: My partner's family doesn't like me!

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I’m a 21-year-old woman, and I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost two years. We’re really happy together, but there’s one huge problem: His family does not like me. I’ve tried everything to make a good impression — bringing thoughtful gifts, offering to help with family dinners and always being polite. But no matter ...Read more

Yana Kuznetsova/

Erika Ettin: Defining the relationship: Exclusivity, labels and commitment

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Many of us have heard the phrase “define the relationship,” often shortened to “DTR.” One might say, “We had the DTR talk,” or “We DTR’d it.” But it turns out that one person’s DTR talk is another person’s confusion… often when those two people are in the same exact relationship!

Every Monday on Instagram, I host “Ask ...Read more

Asking Eric: After 50 years, friend wants to be done with the group

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I have a group of three girlfriends from middle school/high school. We stayed close during college and were in each other’s weddings, etc. I have known these women for more than 50 years.

There is one person in the group that I have been consistently close with over the many years. The other two I did not and there was a more than ...Read more

Freelancer Struggles With Demanding Client

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm a 26-year-old freelance writer who's been struggling to find a steady stream of clients and projects. A few months ago, a friend generously offered to refer me to someone in his network, but they have started making demands for quick turnarounds and extra revisions beyond what was initially agreed upon. They often communicate...Read more

'comfort' Dog Causes Discomfort To Everyone Else

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I, along with a friend, pre-purchased hard-to-get opera tickets. We've looked forward to attending for many months.

However, we just learned that our companion intends to bring her extremely unruly "comfort" poodle -- not only to the opera, but also to a lovely restaurant for dinner beforehand. This dog is ...Read more

Seeking Closure When a Close Friend Disappears

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My adult daughter was very close friends with a woman, her husband and their two teenage daughters. When her friend moved across the country, my daughter was heartbroken. However, they continued to talk, text and email almost daily. My daughter even traveled across the country and considered the possibility of moving to a nearby ...Read more

Some Conversations Can Look More Like An Interrogation

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I appreciate you offering your booklet "How to Be Popular" to people who are uncomfortable or uncertain in social situations. I don't know if the following tips are included, but here's what I do: When I meet someone for the first time, I say, "Tell me three things about yourself that you would like to share." As I listen to the ...Read more

Yana Kuznetsova/

Nedra Rhone: How to combat the loneliness epidemic

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

ATLANTA -- Monica Imani McCullough was an extremely shy child. The Atlanta resident lost her father when she was a teen and years later watched her mother lose a battle with Parkinson’s disease. She survived an emotional divorce, and in 2022 she was diagnosed with follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Though she had written a book on loneliness ...Read more

Asking Eric: An update from grandmother who folded laundry ‘wrong’

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I don’t know if you are interested in follow-up letters, but here goes. I’m the grandma who was told she was folding her son-in-law’s T-shirts wrong (Clothes’d Off).

I had a conversation with my daughter one morning when we were out hiking. She confessed that she, too, had been told she folded his laundry wrong. Together we ...Read more

Siblings Clash Over Bakery's Future Direction

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: My sister and I co-manage our family business, a local bakery. We're clashing over its direction: I prefer to maintain our traditional baking techniques and recipes, which have served us well for years. She wants to import and sell modern, trendy breads from other shops to diversify our offerings. In short, she wants to hop on ...Read more

Must I Donate To My Friend's Charity?

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have a good friend who is the polar opposite of me on politics, religion and almost every other subject. We are cognizant of these differences, and refrain from debate or argument on these subjects. Amazingly, we still have things to talk about!

However, she sent me a letter in which she requested that I support a nonprofit...Read more

Breaking Free

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Readers: A great number of you wrote in about abusive partners and how you finally opened up the cage and flew out.

Here are two letters that I found especially interesting:

Dear Annie: While I respect "Married" for finally leaving her abuser -- I've been there myself -- I need to point something out. She mentions staying until her ...Read more

Active Lifestyle Makes It Harder To Find Love

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I'm a mature male who had a weight problem years ago. When I turned 50, I was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, hypertension and diabetes. I took my doctor's advice about diet and 150 minutes of exercise a week. Fast-forward to today, and I have lost almost half my body weight and am now in good shape.

My problem now is finding ...Read more