Fishing Trip
A man phones home from his office and says to his wife, "I have the chance to go fishing for a week. It's the opportunity of a lifetime. I have to leave right away. Please pack my clothes, my fishing equipment, and especially my blue silk pajamas. I'll be home in an hour to pick them up."
The man rushes home to grab everything. He hugs his ...Read more
The Widow at the Farmhouse
Jack decided to go skiing with his buddy, Bob. They loaded up Jack's station-wagon and headed north. After driving for a few hours, they got caught in a terrible blizzard. They pulled into a nearby farmhouse and asked the attractive lady of the house if they could spend the night.
"I'm recently widowed," she explained, "and I'm afraid the ...Read more
Putting Up With Jocks
The basketball coach stormed into the university president's office and demanded a raise right then and there.
"Please," protested the college President, "you already make more than the entire History department."
"Yeah, maybe so, but you don't know what I have to put up with," the coach blustered. "Look."
He went out into the hall and ...Read more
Quick word play...
-- A good thing to exercise when you're putting on weight is restraint.
-- Running out of sausage is a busy pizza maker's wurst nightmare.
-- He arrived late at the party to find he was beaten to the punch.
Quick Quotes
"According to "The New York Post", runaway bride Jennifer Wilbanks was supposed to get married today, it never hap- pened. Ironically she showed up at the church and every- body else left town." --Jay Leno
"President Bush is on his vacation Crawford, Texas. He says he'll leave only when Crawford is capable of self rule." --Dave ...Read more

Chelsea Handler on Microdosing Drugs, Vacationing with Family, New Netflix Special & #1 Book
Chelsea talks about her new book “I’ll Have What She’s Having” being her 6th consecutive #1 New York Times bestseller, her father making her read epic books as a child, dedicating her book to flight attendants, people farting on planes, her love of microdosing drugs, not wanting to have kids, her new Netflix special “The Feeling,” ...Read more

Stephen King Reveals His Top Five Stephen King Stories
Which of Stephen King's stories are his personal favorites? The legendary author, whose latest book "Billy Summers" is out now, drops by the Ed Sullivan Theater and reveals his picks to Stephen Colbert.

Bill Murray on Losing the Oscar for “Lost in Translation”
Bill Murray was surprised to miss out on an Oscar for “Lost in Translation,” but he told Howard losing out to Sean Penn may have been for the best.

Sarah Sherman Pitches Mikey Madison an Anora Idea for SNL
Mikey Madison hosts Saturday Night Live with musical guest Morgan Wallen on March 29, 2025.
Delaware Decision
Bambi, a blonde in her fourth year as a UCLA freshman, sat in her USA government class. The professor asked Bambi if she knew what Roe vs. Wade was about.
Bambi pondered the question then finally said, "That was the decision George Washington had to make before he crossed the Delaware"
Electric Trains
While working as a mall Santa, I had many children ask for electric trains. "If you get a train," I would tell each one, "you know your dad is going to want to play with it too. Is that okay?"
The usual answer was a quick yes, but after I asked one boy this question, he became very quiet. Trying to move the conversation along, I asked what else...Read more
For The Kids...
What is the best advice to give to worm?
Sleep late!
What's the difference between a worm and an apple?
Have you ever tried worm pie?
What do you get if you cross a glow worm with some beer?
Light ale!
Why do worms taste like chewing gum?
Because they're wrigleys!
What makes a glow worm glow?
A light meal!
What...Read more
For The Kids...
Why do ducks have webbed feet? To stamp out forest fires!
Why did the pig go to the casino?
To play the slop machine!
What is a pigs favorite ballet?
Swine Lake!
What do you get if you cross a hen with a dog?
Pooched eggs!
How do you stop a rooser crowing on Sunday?
Eat him on Saturday!
Why did the foal cough?
...Read more
Barber and Kid
A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer, "This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you."
The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, "Which do you want, son?" The boy takes the quarters and leaves.
"What did I tell you?" ...Read more
Age Barometer
Total the number of these that you remember:
1. Blackjack chewing gum
2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water
3. Candy cigarettes
4. Soda pop machines that dispensed bottles
5. Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes
6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers
...Read more
You Know You're a Tech Geek When...
- When your friend tells you all about his Cressida V6 and you reply "Yeah, I had V5, and it was full of bugs!"
- When driving you see a license plate with the letters DSR, and you feel compelled to touch your bumper to the other car to see if you can raise CD.
- When you are counting objects "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D...".
- When you lay ...Read more
Secret to Success?
Two old friends met one day after many years. One attended college, and now was very successful. The other had not attended college and never had much ambition.
The successful one said, "How has everything been going with you?"
"Well, one day I opened the Bible at random, and dropped my finger on a word and it was oil. So, I invested in ...Read more
Quick Quotes
"Did you all see the guy at Yankee Stadium that jumped from the upper deck into the net that catches the foul balls? He jumped like 50 feet. How can anyone get that drunk off $8 beers!" -- Dave Letterman
"Yesterday Jennifer Wilbanks, the runaway bride had to cut the lawn of a city building as part of her community service. However, ...Read more

Naomi Watts Invites Jimmy to Perform a Song with Her 150lb Great Dane Co-star Bing (Extended)
Naomi Watts talks about the impact David Lynch had on her life and starring alongside Bill Murray in their movie The Friend before introducing her four-legged co-star from the movie, Bing.