From the Right



‘Weekend at Biden’s’ is just the latest Western democracy farce

Rachel Marsden, Tribune Content Agency on

PARIS — Remember that’80s movie, “Weekend at Bernie’s,” where a couple of guys spend their vacation dragging around their deceased boss like he was still alive so they could keep using his beach house? Note to Biden’s enablers: that wasn’t supposed to be a documentary.

If Biden, or anyone around him, actually thinks that democracy is so precious, then why is the whole world currently witnessing the kind of behavior that’s typically synonymous with Banana Republics?

“I’m not going anywhere,” Biden has said in response to calls to step down after the recent debate performance that even left many Democrats calling into question his ability to function normally, let alone lead the country.

I might be assuming too much here, but one would think that as a bare minimum requirement, the guy with his finger on the button for deployment of one of the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet shouldn’t also appear as though he risks getting it mixed up with his Life Alert.

Biden was asked in a recent ABC News interview whether he’d stand down if it became clear that he couldn’t beat rival Donald Trump in the November presidential vote. “It depends on – on if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that. I might do that,” Biden said. So, no one can dispatch him but the Lord himself? Not even the 25th Amendment invoked by the vice president and a majority of his cabinet finding him “unable to discharge the powers and duties of” the presidency?

During his State of the Union address in March, Biden said that “freedom and democracy are under attack, both at home and overseas, at the very same time.” No kidding. Right now, Biden’s Oval Office is starting to look like the Algerian Presidential Palace, up until 2019. The late former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika was overwhelmingly elected in 1999, suffered a stroke in 2013, and disappeared entirely from public view in 2017.

Having completely vanished, it was announced that Bouteflika would nonetheless run for a fifth term in 2019. It took mass protests for the power hungry establishment elites piggybacking on a guy who would die in 2021 — part way through what would have been his next term — to reverse course and announce his resignation.

Where exactly on Bouteflika’s timeline does Biden currently see himself?

Here’s how the Western press viewed Bouteflika when he was pulling a Biden. Calling him a “dictator”, Vox mentioned that his 2013 stroke did him in functionally, and said that he “remained in power — even if in name only — because Algeria’s military, business, and political elites wanted to keep their privileged positions.” Sound familiar? In the wake of civilian unrest pushing Bouteflika to resign in 2019, The Economist described him as having “clung to power.”


Not that all hope is lost for Biden. “Warning to dictators: If you want to keep your job, don’t wreck your economy, as Bouteflika and his cronies did,” wrote Canada’s Globe and Mail’s European Bureau Chief at the time.

So if said cronies can keep a steady hand on the economic wheel while managing their “Weekend at Bernie’s” charade, then can Democrats keep going pedal to the metal? Well, that would explain a lot.

It’s not like this Biden farce is much worse than other recent democratic failures around the Western world. Or among their closest allies. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s cancellation of presidential elections in Ukraine under martial law, effectively making him president indefinitely, has been shrugged off by the collective West, for example.

Meanwhile, here in France, ahead of the second round of parliamentary election voting last weekend, French President Emmanuel Macron, whose establishment party was obliterated in a third place first round showing, put out a call in unison with the second place anti-establishment Leftist opposition to coordinate so that if the two entities risked splitting the vote in the final round against Marine Le Pen’s anti-establishment right-wing National Rally party (which massively won the first round) in any district, then they’d arrange it so that voters were only left with a single candidate to choose against Le Pen. The objective? To ensure that even if voters democratically elect the National Rally, it still wouldn’t have a chance of forming government. It all blew up in his face with the anti-establishment left winning a relative majority (despite a landslide National Rally popular vote win) and it’s leftist leader calling for Macron's resignation.

Such inherently anti-democratic displays were also seen amid the European Union parliamentary election held last month. Despite anti-establishment right-wing gains across the bloc, the leadership of the bureaucracy that actually creates the policy in Brussels for all 27 member countries was nonetheless just handpicked in the backroom.

Under the EU constitution, particularly critical matters are subjected to unanimous vote. So the establishment’s latest tactic, recently used on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, has been to just get the dissenter out into the hallway during the vote so they can ram it through while he’s counting the tiles on the bathroom wall.

Nice “democracy” you Western elites have going on these days. Do you have another one, perhaps? Maybe one that doesn’t involve making a mockery of your own stated principles so you can cling to power?



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