


Who is the author of "Trout Fishing in America"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

John Updike
Richard Brautigan
Charles Bukowski
John Irving

Which 1948 Cole Porter musical is based on Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Anything Goes
Fifty Million Frenchmen
The Gay Divorcee
Kiss Me, Kate

Who is the heroine of Janet Evanovich's book "Twelve Sharp"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Kay Scarpetta
Kinsey Millhone
Stephanie Plum
Jane Jeffry

Which of these Vonnegut works is about an abstract painter?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Breakfast Of Champions
Deadeye Dick
Cat's Cradle

In the book "Charlotte's Web" which of these phrases was written on Charlotte's web?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

I Love Pizza
Some Pig
Happy New Year
Merry Christmas

In "Bunnicula", what is the dog's name?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /


Who wrote "The Death of a President" about John F. Kennedy's assassination?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Theodore Sorenson
William Manchester
William Buckley
Norman Mailer

What famous submarine appears in "The Mysterious Island"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

The Intrepid
The Monitor
The Thrasher
The Nautilus

"Owen & Mzee: The True Story Of A Remarkable Friendship" is about a friendship between whom?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Cat And Dog
Pig And Spider
Hippopotamus And Tortoise
Monkey And Tiger

In "2001: A Space Odyssey", Moon-Watcher was the only man-ape able to do what?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

See Through Objects
Read And Write
Walk Upright

Robert Louis Stevenson is famous for writing which of the following?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Treasure Island
The Picture Of Dorian Gray
Gulliver's Travels
Remembrance Of Things Past

Who wrote the book "Rainbow Six"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Richard Bach
Howard Stern
Stephen King
Tom Clancy

What is the occupation of Janet Evanovich's character Stephanie Plum?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Bounty Hunter
Police Officer
Bail Bondswoman
Romance Writer

In "Hamlet", what goal is Hamlet consumed with throughout the play?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Becoming King
Becoming An Excellent Swordsman
Avenging His Father's Death
Marrying Ophelia


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