


Who set a record for days in space by a woman in 1995?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Valentina Tereshkova
Elena Kondova
Valeri Ryumin
Sasha Potemkin

What U.S. politician was granted honorary knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II in 2002?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Rudy Giuliani
George W. Bush
Colin Powell
Bill Clinton

What was the first ship sunk by a German U-boat during "Operation Drumbeat"?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Alcoa Rambler
San Galisto
Maid Of Orleans

Who was shot by Arthur Bremer while campaigning for the Democratic nomination in 1972?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

George Wallace
Robert Kennedy
Edmund Muskie
John Kennedy

The submarine was first used during which U.S. war?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

The Civil War
The Spanish-American War
The Revolution
World War I

In 1886 Chester Arthur died from which of the following illnesses?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Kidney Disease
Liver Failure
Strep Throat

Thomas Edison has 1,093 of these?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Congressional Medals

Alexander Graham Bell was a professor of oratory at which of these schools?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Boston College
Harvard University
Boston University

Which Canadian Prime Minister won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1957?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Pierre Trudeau
Jean Chretien
Stephen Harper
Lester Pearson

On August 2, 2001, who was named the new director of the FBI?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Louis J. Freeh
Thomas J. Pickard
Robert Mueller
Floyd I. Clarke

McDonald's got its start in what state?

Knowledge / History Trivia /


What was the name of the child that Leopold and Loeb kidnapped and murdered?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Charles Ross
Gary Landis
Grace Budd
Bobby Franks

Which government agency ceased to exist in March 2003?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Communications Commission
National Science Foundation
Immigration & Naturalization Service

Chiang Kai-shek led which country?

Knowledge / History Trivia /


Which of these is the oldest black women's college in the United States?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Spelman College
Sweet Briar College
Grambling University
Howard University

How much did the U.S. pay for the Louisiana Purchase?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

$50 Million
$1 Million
$15 Million
$150 Million

Where was the treaty signed ending the Russo-Japanese War?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Portsmouth, New Hampshire
St. Petersburg, Russia
Tokyo, Japan
Anchorage, Alaska

Which of the following ladies and attendants is not a valid match?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Portia And Nerissa
Cleopatra And Charmian
Hermione And Paulina
Desdemona And Bianca


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