


Is Tororo thunderous fun?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

The town of Tororo in Uganda had thunder on a average of 251 days each year during the period 1967-1976, the highest number on record.

What did RKO stand for?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

RKO stands for Radio-Keith-Orpheum, formed by the merger of RCA and the Keith-Orpheum theater chain in 1921.

Will an electric shock help your pain?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Electrical nerve stimulation may help reduce chronic pain in cancer patients, especially those whose cancer has spread to the bones, say researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. Some cancers that spread to bones produce severe chronic pain that is unresponsive

How many times did Burroughs visit Africa?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

A prolific and imaginative writer, Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote 26 Tarzan books without ever visiting Africa.

How many canes did Voltaire own?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

The French philosopher Voltaire owned eighty canes. His contemporary, Jean Jacques Rousseau, owned forty.

How fast can a chicken run?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

The chicken can travel up to 9 miles per hour.

How do boy and girl giraffes avoid competition?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Bull giraffes forage higher in trees than cow giraffes which reduces food competition between the sexes. Long-legged giraffes walk with the limbs on one side of the body lifted at the same time. This gait is called a pace and allows a longer stride which saves steps and energy.

How long have we given Christmas presents?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Christmas presents were known in antiquity among kings and chieftains, especially on the European continent. However, they have been common among ordinary people in Iceland only during the past 100 or so years.

Is Jesus celebrated during Japanese Christmas?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

The story of the Child Jesus born in a manger is fascinating to the little girls of Japan, for they love anything having to do with babies. In the scene of the Nativity they become familiar for the first time with a cradle, for Japanese babies never sleep in cradles.

Were the first tanks wildly successful?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Not exactly -- Initial results with tanks were mixed, with problems in reliability (and impatient high command) causing considerable attrition in combat. Deployment in small groups also lessened their tactical value and impact, which was still formidable during first encounters. German forces suffered from shock and lacked counter-weapons, ...Read more

How old was James when he made his first catapult?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Oscar-winning director James Cameron (Titanic) was a risk-taker even when a boy. He organized his playmates in building a functional catapult that threw boulders large enough to make impact craters. He and his buddies also created a miniature diving vessel to send mice to the bottom of the

How did the basilica become so popular?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

The basilica was Pompeii's largest building and was used for legal and commercial business. In the fourth century, this style of building was adopted by the newly legal Christian religion. It became the standard floor plan for the churches, or "basilicas," of medieval Europe.

Will your liver grow back?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

If 80 percent of your liver were to be removed, the remaining part would continue to function. Within a few months, the liver would have reconstituted itself to its original size.

How many dangerous plants are there in the U.S?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

There are more than 700 species of plants that grow in the United States that have been identified as dangerous if eaten. Among them are some that are commonly favored by gardeners: buttercups, daffodils, lily of the valley, sweet peas, oleander, azalea, bleeding heart, delphinium, and

When does the Krampus come out?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Traditionally young men dress up as the Krampus in Austria, southern Bavaria and South Tyrol during the first week of December, particularly on the evening of December 5th, and roam the streets frightening children with rusty chains and bells

Do birds see better than people?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Certain birds of prey (the African serpent eagle and the American kestrel, for example) have visual acuity 2.4 to 2.6 times greater than humans. They can see a 1 mm long insect from a treetop 18 meters above ground.

What's the difference between a zebu and a zebub?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Zebus are humped cattle found in India, China, and northern Africa. Zebubs are tsetse-like flies found in Ethiopia.

How many hot dogs are sold at ball games?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

Occasionally, hot dog sales at baseball stadiums exceed attendance, but typically, hot dog sales at ballparks average 80 percent of the attendance.

What was Washington's Christmas like?

Knowledge / Daily Trivia /

George Washington spent Christmas night 1776 crossing the Delaware River in dreadful conditions. Christmas 1777 fared little better - at Valley Forge, Washington and his men had a miserable Christmas dinner of Fowl cooked in a broth of Turnips, cabbage and potatoes.


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