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He went from a stroke to a heart transplant to an Ironman finish line

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Two months before his wedding, Vang Her had a cough he couldn't shake.

For weeks he'd hacked incessantly. How could he walk down the aisle or enjoy his honeymoon in New Zealand that way?

But his doctor couldn't find anything wrong.

With rest, Vang improved. His wedding went off without a hitch. In New Zealand while cave exploring, Vang couldn...Read more

Oceanview Publishing/TNS

Bonds of sisterhood tested in thrilling amateur sleuth mystery

Parents / Mom's Advice /

The shocking murder of her boss — and the sudden disappearance of her sister — sends Portland paralegal Beth Ralston on a dangerous, dizzying quest to find answers that she may not be able to manage in Mary Keliikoa’s smart thriller, "Don’t Ask, Don’t Follow."

At a holiday office party for her father’s prestigious law firm, Ralston,...Read more

Eulogy for a Mentor

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

A mentor of mine died last night.

She'd been sick, with leukemia, and had undergone both a stem cell transplant and chemo, but her cancer had been in remission, and it seemed as if she was traveling rapidly down the road to recovery.

She must have had a turn for the worse, though, because her mother said her death was unexpected and quick. ...Read more

Overly Cautious or Overly Crazy?

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

"Soooooo, it happened. The police were called because my 8 year old was riding her bike on our street."

That's the email I got from Kay Eskridge, a Kentucky mom, former Child Protective Services worker, and fan of the Free-Range Kids movement. Over the years, she's written to me several times about our shared passion for childhood ...Read more

Yulia Gapeenko/Dreamstime/TNS

Debra-Lynn B. Hook: Sleeping with books

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Some people sleep with pillows and blankets, and, if they’re lucky, a cuddle bunny of a sort.

I sleep with books.

Not a book, singular, but multiple books of multiple genres, heaped in a long pile between me and the other side of the bed.

I find this to be easier than trying to keep books strategically stacked on a bedside table, which is ...Read more

Ana Mihaela Andrei Negru/Dreamstime/TNS

Lori Borgman: Rising to the sourdough challenge

Parents / Mom's Advice /

I made my first loaf of sourdough last week. It took less time to give birth to our first child than it took to make one loaf of bread.

Why did I make sourdough? Because I'm weak. I succumbed to peer pressure. We have granddaughters making sourdough. They nudged and prodded and threw flour in the air until I agreed to give it a try.

The first ...Read more

Lasse Kristensen/Dreamstime/TNS

Ex-etiquette: Son has moved on, but mom hasn't

Parents / Family Living /

Q. My 21-year-old son who lives with me recently broke up with his girlfriend of two years. This was not a mutual split. He has found another, moved on and his past girlfriend is very hurt. I understand his decision, but I dearly miss his former girlfriend. She was part of our family for two years and I feel like I've lost a child. I would like ...Read more


Son's heart diagnosis may have saved dad's life

Parents / Mom's Advice /

After Cecilia Galeana gave birth to her second child, Elias Soto, a pediatrician performed standard newborn tests. Listening to his heart, the doctor heard a whooshing and swishing sound. Elias had a heart murmur.

It could be hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM, the doctor said. It's a condition in which abnormally thick heart muscle makes it ...Read more

Post Hill Press/Post Hill Press/TNS

New tech falls in the wrong hands in heart-stopping medical thriller

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Drexel Hospital prepares to launch its vaunted new Electronic Health Records (EHR) system when a series of inexplicable deaths at the hospital raises questions for a cadre of Drexel employees committed to patient privacy and safety in "Coded to Kill" by Marschall Runge, M.D.

A decade in the making, the Drexel EHR is the most innovative ...Read more


One diet might significantly increase a woman’s lifespan, study finds

Parents / Mom's Advice /

The Mediterranean diet is an a roll this year. U.S. News and World Report ranked it the best diet for the seventh consecutive year. Now, according to a massive study, the eating regimen may also have added benefits for women.

“For women interested in longevity, our study shows that following a Mediterranean dietary pattern could result in ...Read more


Is a safe male birth control gel on the way? Study shows progress

Parents / Mom's Advice /

If trials continue to go well, a teaspoon of gel rubbed on the shoulders once a day might be all men need for contraception.

National Institutes of Health Contraceptive Development Program chief Diana Blithe has been leading the research on Nestorone, a synthetic hormone-based male birth control, since 2018. Speaking recently at ENDO 2024, the ...Read more


Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated R for bloody violence, disturbing images and some language.

What it’s about: A young female FBI agent tracks down a mysterious serial killer.

The kid attractor factor: This is a creepy and terrifying horror thriller — not much appeal for kids.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Sometimes the answers we seek are within.

Violence:...Read more

Willie J. Allen Jr./Orlando Sentinel/TNS

Billboards seek to reunite decades-old kids' drawings with their now-grown creators

Parents / Parenting News /

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The two Sanford, Florida, students used crayons to draw self portraits, then turned their artwork over to Crayola, the famous art-supply company, which 20 years ago was collecting kids’ drawings to display in galleries across the country.

“I hope one day to be in an art gallery or in a famous museum,” wrote Emily, then a ...Read more

The Core Media Group Inc./The Core Media Group Inc./TNS

Survivor, Marine: One man’s incredible journey to inner peace

Parents / Mom's Advice /

There’s a unique beginning to "The Guide: Survival, Warfighting, Peacemaking" — Greg Munck‘s moving and uplifting memoir of his fascinating journey that took him from a nightmarish childhood to becoming a war hero as a U.S. Marine and finally finding peace in his life’s work as a man of God.

The book opens with a dramatic forward from ...Read more

Clash Books/TNS/TNS

Heroine’s satirical self-improvement quest from body-building to poetry

Parents / Mom's Advice /

What do gluten-free communion wafers and arugula-eating snails have in common?

Well, if you’re a bodybuilder, it turns out these are two powerhouse secrets to a ripped physique — along with other, shall we say, less conventional methods. Debut novelist Ruth Bonapace takes us through an epic workout of the imagination in "The Bulgarian ...Read more

Illumination & Universal Pictures/Illumination & Universal Pictures/TNS

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated PG for action and rude humor.

What it’s about: Supervillain Gru and family have to go into witness protection after a threat from a rival. Wacky high jinks ensue.

The kid attractor factor: It's animated and it features Minions.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Try to find the root of the problem before things spiral out of...Read more


Ex-etiquette: Your ex is a narcissist? Probably not

Parents / Family Living /

Q. My co-parent is a lost cause. They are a narcissist! I looked it up on the internet and they check all the boxes. They think they are perfect, always right, and try to manipulate me and the kids to get their own way. They act like they care, but they obviously don’t. They can’t be a good influence. What’s good ex-etiquette?

A. I can’...Read more

Woraphon Nusen/Dreamstime/TNS

Too much screen time harms children, experts agree. So why do parents ignore them?

Parents / Parenting News /

LOS ANGELES -- Parents are bombarded with a dizzying list of orders when it comes to screen time and young children: No screens for babies under 18 months. Limit screens to one hour for children under 5. Only "high-quality" programming. No fast-paced apps. Don't use screens to calm a fussy child. "Co-view" with your kid to interact while ...Read more

A Fun Way to Fight Childhood Anxiety

Parents / Lenore Skenazy /

Wouldn't it be great if there was a new, fast, even cheerful way to fight the tide of anxiety engulfing this generation of kids?

It sure would. And darned if the latest Journal of Anxiety Disorders doesn't feature one. It's called independence therapy: having kids do new things, on their own, without their parents.

A pilot study conducted by...Read more

Courtesy Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc./TNS/TNS

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated R for violence, some nudity and sexuality.

What it’s about: A sprawling interconnected narrative about a group of settlers in the Old West descending on a place of promise called Horizon.

The kid attractor factor: Not much, this is more of an adult drama.

Good lessons/bad lessons: Guns, guns ...Read more


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