


Put Down that TV Tray

Sina Queyras on

Published in Poem Of The Day

All I ever wanted was that living room, Sunday evening, chicken
In the roaster, that deep orange sofa, that maple table
Spread out like a wagon wheel upon which cups of tea floated
And macrame or puzzles could be assembled. Don't tell me

Disney isn't reality: whole cities have ticked by in nylon print
T-shirts, under lithographs of the Blue Boy in plastic K-Mart frames.
Poets, don't let your poems grow up to be idealists. I want in.
I agree we need to rethink everything from landfills to the accumulation

Of fat around the heart, but there really is nothing like a castle
Under a neon moon ringed with LED flowers. Also, dogs do
Find their way home, and while beds can't fly you can wake
From a good trip around the Internet and be hungry for a Pop-Tart.

Don't say you can't, or won't, or that my dream is flimsy: there is nothing
Less thrilling than a critique of others, how they do or do not, twirl.

About this poem
"This poem, perhaps the clearest one I have ever written, is from a manuscript in progress titled 'Motherhood is a Young Woman's Game.' Having twins has made me reassess everything."
-Sina Queyras

About Sina Queyras
Sina Queyras is the author of "MxT" (Coach House Books, 2014). She lives in Montreal and teaches creative writing at Concordia University.
(c) 2014 Sina Queyras. Distributed by King Features Syndicate

The Academy of American Poets is a nonprofit, mission-driven organization, whose aim is to make poetry available to a wider audience. Email The Academy at poem-a-day[at]poets.org.

(c) 2014 Sina Queyras.
Distributed by King Features Syndicate




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