
White to Play and Draw
One of my favorite Richard Reti studies. White can’t promote right away because of the bishop check, so what does White do as the Black pawn intends to run.
View solutionWhat's the Good Word?
Which of these words does not belong?
View full teaser and answerFootnotes
A, who knows only French, publishes an article in an English magazine. At the end of the article are the following 3 footnotes:
1. I thank my friend B for translating the above article into English so that it could be published in this magazine.
2. I thank my friend B for translating the above footnote.
3. I thank my friend B for translating the above footnote.
Why are there only 3 footnotes when logically, A will have to go on forever to be able to thank B properly???
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White to Play
For a Mate in Two Monday, we took this from the exceptionally instructive and entertaining classic, The Mammoth Book of Chess by Graham Burgess. Should be on everyone’s bookshelf.
View solutionFun with Geometry
What drink does this represent?
180 degree arc
360 degree arc
180 degree arc
180 degree arc
360 degree arc
90 degrees lines
HEA wooden stick VEN
What phrase is represented below?
HEA wooden stick + sulphur head + phosphorus tip VEN
View full teaser and answerBody Language
Answer the following with parts of the body. The first one is free!
1. A strong box (chest)
2. Heard in congress while voting
3. Baby cows
4. A shellfish
5. A unit used to measure distance
6. Scholars
7. Part of a shoe
8. What every builder must have
9. Something made by whips
10. What soldiers carry
STRU musical MENTS
Can you decipher the musical instruments represented below?
1. P O
2. BA BA
4. @ # $ %
View full teaser and answerKids
Using real names to make common words, name the offspring: (the first one is free!)
1. Mr and Mrs Voyant - Clare (as in Clairvoyant)
2. Mr and Mrs Tress
3. Mr and Mrs Nasium
4. Mr and Mrs Tate
5. Mr and Mrs Anthemum
6. Mr and Mrs Mander
7. Mr and Mrs Mite
8. Mr and Mrs Time

Black to Play
A famous Fischer position from 1960 against Letelier
View solutionSpoonerism
A spoonerism is a pair of words that can have the initial sounds switched to form new words. For example, "loose morals" is a spoonerism for "moose laurels"(note that the pairs do not have to be spelled the same - only sound the same) From the definitions below can you figure out the following spoonerisms?
A quiz about a irritating person that is never punctual
An irritated facial expression....The top of Mr. Avalon's head
A prideful diminutive insect....An ill-behaved sombrero
Hollandaise is one....Going from one side of the street to the other in a bad part of town
View full teaser and answerTake a Closer Look!
What phrase is represented here?
tall perennial grass
necessity for clarinetist
I'm seven times seventy,
Plus a decade more.
This has all happened before.
Red and gold, I am no liar.
My nursery will be made
From my funeral pyre.
Who am I?
View full teaser and answerHalt!
Can you identify what phrase is represented here?
View full teaser and answerCompound Directions
Can you find the one word for each list that can be added to the end of each word in it's list to create a new word, compound word, or phrase?

White to Play
A good many chess puzzle sites give mating challenges that are of a few moves. I do that, too. However, I also like to throw in one like today’s puzzle. This is what I call a “step back” puzzle. I take what could be a challenging mating attack and then go back some moves before that to challenge you to find how the first steps took place. ...
View solutionYoung Love
Read this rebus backward to reveal a famous song.
2 T T T T
View full teaser and answerParis Pairs
The following sentences can be completed by adding two words that are anagrams of one another. Each word has only four letters. Enjoy!
1. If you prick your finger while picking a ____, it may be very ____.
2. If you take a ____ at the Mad Hatter's party, you still may not get a sip of his ____.
3. If you need some stamps, then you must ____ by the ____ office.
4. If you eat a whole ____ of a wedding cake, you may develop a spare ____ around your middle.
5. If you have a ____ with your friend, you should forgive them and focus on the future, not on the ____.
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