


Tell the Truth

Games / Brain Teasers /

Sid always moans that if only people told the truth he would sell more of his goods. What does he make?

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Tricky Composition

Games / Brain Teasers /

A music teacher once told his student a fast way to make good compositions. The secret is to choose a famous composition, turn it around, and you will get your own original composition!

The student happily tried this secret, and it indeed works. However, this secret does not work for his music teacher's compositions. Why?

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Hut, Mine, and Oak

Games / Brain Teasers /

What do the following three items have in common?

1. A HUT

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Different Perspectives

Games / Brain Teasers /

You can actually view words from a different perspective. For example, number could mean getting more numb, while a butter could simply be a goat or a ram.

And now for the problem. What do you call a wicked thing?

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Backwards Strike?

Games / Brain Teasers /

This is a newspaper headline:

Workers Strike - Want to Make Less Money!

What is going on?

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Hidden Colors

Games / Brain Teasers /

Hidden in each sentence is a word. For example, in the sentence: When I grow up, I want to be a ranger. (Hidden animal) The hidden word is BEAR from "to BE A Ranger". Now, try to identify the hidden colors in the sentences below:

I agree not to eat all the food.
Bob decided to jump in, knowing that this is his only choice.
The sunset makes Cairo seem magnificent.
Some states ship lumber and coal on canal barges.

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Multiple Choice Questions

Games / Brain Teasers /

What are your answers to the respective questions so that your answers to all the questions are correct?


Question 1
The answer to Question 2 is:
A. B
B. C
C. A

Question 2
The first question with correct answer B is:
A. Question 3
B. Question 1
C. Question 2

Question 3
The only answer you have not chosen yet is:
A. A
B. B
C. C

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Agents in Action

Games / Brain Teasers /

The Agents of F.C.I. have amusing anagrams to match their characteristics, for example, AGENT SOUL, whose name anagrams to LANGOUSTE, likes seafood.

Try to determine the Anagrams for the following Agents.

AGENT DEE is very young.

AGENT YIP specializes in Pharaohs and Sphinxes.

AGENT MIC has attractive abilities.

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Games / Brain Teasers /

P is to L.
M is to OK.
Hence, D is to ___

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Creative Slicing

Games / Brain Teasers /

How can you divide a pizza into 8 equal slices using only 3 straight cuts?

Hint: Think three-dimensionally!

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Word of Letters Four

Games / Brain Teasers /

I'm a word of letters four with close ties to snow.
Just half of my first my third letter will show.
One fifth of my fourth my first you may call.
Of my second 'tis best to say nothing at all.

What word am I?

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Choice Chide

Games / Brain Teasers /

What do the following words have in common?


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Games / Brain Teasers /

What do the following words have in common, besides the fact that they're all three letters long?


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Love Is All You Need

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which does not belong?


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Weird Numbering

Games / Brain Teasers /

What comes next?

0, 15, 30, 40, __

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What's the Good Word?

Games / Brain Teasers /

Which of these words does not belong?






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Games / Brain Teasers /

A, who knows only French, publishes an article in an English magazine. At the end of the article are the following 3 footnotes:

1. I thank my friend B for translating the above article into English so that it could be published in this magazine.

2. I thank my friend B for translating the above footnote.

3. I thank my friend B for translating the above footnote.

Why are there only 3 footnotes when logically, A will have to go on forever to be able to thank B properly???

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Fun with Geometry

Games / Brain Teasers /

What drink does this represent?

180 degree arc
360 degree arc
180 degree arc

180 degree arc
360 degree arc
90 degrees lines

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HEA wooden stick VEN

Games / Brain Teasers /

What phrase is represented below?

HEA wooden stick + sulphur head + phosphorus tip VEN

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Body Language

Games / Brain Teasers /

Answer the following with parts of the body. The first one is free!

1. A strong box (chest)
2. Heard in congress while voting
3. Baby cows
4. A shellfish
5. A unit used to measure distance
6. Scholars
7. Part of a shoe
8. What every builder must have
9. Something made by whips
10. What soldiers carry

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