Entertainment News



On "The Simpsons", what does Homer borrow from Ned when they first meet?

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A Power Drill
A Leaf Blower
His Car
A TV Tray

On the show "How I Met Your Mother", who played Ted's best friend, Marshall?

Entertainment News / TV Trivia /

Jason Segal
Tony Danza
John Malkovich
Burt Lancaster

What police department is featured on the show "The Rookie"?

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Los Angeles PD
New York PD
Chicago PD
Toronto PD

Who is the original host of the reality show "The Bachelor"?

Entertainment News / TV Trivia /

Tyler Floren
Chris Harrison
Harrison Morton
Jeff Probst

What was Mrs. Jetson's first name?

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Which daytime talk show host was an aide on Robert Kennedy's 1968 Presidential campaign?

Entertainment News / TV Trivia /

Oprah Winfrey
Geraldo Rivera
Phil Donahue
Jerry Springer



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