


Chris Lytle Tip -- Sales is like Sailing

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Chris Lytle's Sales Tip: Sailors and salespeople should heed this advice: "If there is no wind, row." Slow times may require that we revisit the basics and redouble our efforts. Be relentless in filling your sales pipeline. Prospect, seed, dial, contact, meet, propose, and ask for the order.

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Chris Lytle's Sales Tip -- Selling Better While Having Fun

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Chris Lytle's Sales Tip: "When I'm selling at my best, I'm more playful," said a seminar participant recently. "Work is more fun than fun," suggests Noel Coward. Selling at your best is fun. You smile more. You are more at ease with your customers and they react accordingly. Customers sit through plenty of boring meetings. What can you do to add...Read more

Chris Lytle's Success Tip -- "Amateurs hope. Professionals work."

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Chris Lytle's Success Tip: "Amateurs hope. Professionals work." Four words crafted by writer Garson Kanin can help you increase your sales or lower your golf scores. People who are beating you in both "games" are outworking you.

Click here to visit Lytle's site.

Chris Lytle Tip -- Impressions

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: If you've ever made less than a positive first impression on a customer, remember this advice from a very wise person: "No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."

Click here to visit Lytle's site.

Chris Lytle Tip -- Impressions

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: If you've ever made less than a positive first impression on a customer, remember this advice from a very wise person: "No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."

Click here to visit Lytle's site.

Chris Lytle Success Tip -- Get Help Before You Need It

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Chris Lytle Success Tip: Overheard on the driving range one afternoon: "I'm playing Pebble Beach this Friday and I figured I'd better come see you," a man said to the assistant pro. Imagine paying $380 to play at Pebble Beach and standing at the first tee having taken one golf lesson. How many of us wait too long before asking for help? The ...Read more

Chris Lytle's Success Tip -- "Amateurs hope. Professionals work."

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Chris Lytle's Success Tip: "Amateurs hope. Professionals work." Four words crafted by writer Garson Kanin can help you increase your sales or lower your golf scores. People who are beating you in both "games" are outworking you.

Click here to visit Lytle's site.

Chris Lytle Success Tip

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Chris Lytle Success Tip: Try this before your next meeting. Sit quietly for a few minutes (even if it's in the parking lot in front of the customer's business). Think about your favorite beach or other "happy place." Now, imagine how you want to feel when you return to your car after your meeting. As the meeting progresses, your subconscious ...Read more

Chris Lytle Sales Tip -- Frustrated CEO

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: The frustrated CEO complained to me. "After reading your book, I find I have a very low tolerance level for salespeople who don't approach me at a higher level. There's too much 'fluff' and not enough getting to the point. Insurance people are the worst. All they want to do is give me quotes, without giving me any ideas." ...Read more

Chris Lytle Sales Tip -- Being more Persuasive

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: Want to be more persuasive? Dale Carnegie offered this timeless advice for winning people to your way of thinking: "To get the best of a situation, avoid arguments." Selling is not about fighting your way to a sale. It's about finding a fit between what your company offers and the solution or outcome that the client ...Read more

Chris Lytle's Sales Tip -- Getting the Appointment

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Chris Lytle's Sales Tip: Every salesperson I talk to says that face time is harder to get. One way to get more is to ask for the appointment one week, two weeks, even a month ahead of time. Busy people find it hard to squeeze you in today or tomorrow, but can build their day around their meeting with you next week. Added bonus: When you tell ...Read more

Chris Lytle Tip -- Two-way meetings

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Chris Lytle Sales Meeting Tip: The very best meetings with prospects are two-way exchanges of information. Getting people involved in a sales conversation is a lot different than making a sales pitch. "Don't spend hours and hours doing a fancy PowerPoint presentation," suggests a buyer. "Come to me with an idea and let's talk about it." Bringing...Read more

Chris Lytle's Sales Tip -- Don't Worry about Being Liked

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Chris Lytle's Sales Tip: Don't worry about being liked. The prospect doesn't have to like you to buy from you. The prospect does have to trust you and your company. The prospect has to need or want what you're selling. You have to have a service or product to fit the need. Your timing has to be right. And the prospect has to believe that he or ...Read more

Chris Lytle Tip -- Focus

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Chris Lytle Tip -- Focus: "Chronic preoccupation" is epidemic. It means thinking about what you aren't doing rather than paying attention to what you are doing. Cell phones and wireless email now interrupt meetings and derail trains of thought. It's very difficult to be there for your customer when you're available to everyone else. What can you...Read more

Chris Lytle's Success Tip -- "Amateurs hope. Professionals work."

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Chris Lytle's Success Tip: "Amateurs hope. Professionals work." Four words crafted by writer Garson Kanin can help you increase your sales or lower your golf scores. People who are beating you in both "games" are outworking you.

Click here to visit Lytle's site.

Chris Lytle Sales Tip -- Empathy

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: A top-producing salesperson recently had a Botox injection to eliminate some lines in her forehead. According to a colleague of hers, this sales pro is can hardly wait for the effects to wear off. Why? She can't frown. When the customer reveals a problem or pain, all she can do is look back at him with her unfurrowed brow....Read more

Chris Lytle Sales Management Tip

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Chris Lytle Sales Management Tip: Too many companies have wishes instead of standards. "I wish my people would make more calls," one manager told me. A standard is a measurable indicator of performance involving a consequence. If you're a manager, confront lack of sustained effort with coaching. If you're in sales, take action instead of looking...Read more

Chris Lytle Sales Tip -- Being more Persuasive

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: Want to be more persuasive? Dale Carnegie offered this timeless advice for winning people to your way of thinking: "To get the best of a situation, avoid arguments." Selling is not about fighting your way to a sale. It's about finding a fit between what your company offers and the solution or outcome that the client ...Read more

Chris Lytle Sales Tip -- Plato's Words

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Chris Lytle Sales Tip: Just in case you haven't gotten around to re-reading Plato, consider this: "Self-conquest is the greatest of all victories." Plato's advice resonates 2400 years later. To triumph in sales you need to defeat your own bad sales habits and make yourself do the things--every day--that you already know will help you win more ...Read more


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